Health & Safety

Health & Safety


Portsmouth and District Synchro Club regards the promotion of health and safety as an essential part of its responsibilities and recognises that the effective management of health and safety within its activities improves performance, reduces injuries and prevents ill health. This includes the health, safety and welfare of everyone connected to, or affected by the club’s activities and extends to any site used for training, competitions and social events or travelling between such venues.

All members and everyone connected to Portsmouth and District Synchro Club have a shared responsibility for the maintenance of a safe and healthy environment in which the club’s swimmers can develop. This includes the management of health and safety, the responsibility to conduct oneself in a safe manner, to follow all laid down safety rules and to identify and report potential hazards.

It is the intention of Portsmouth and District Synchro Club to act responsibly in all matters relating to Health and Safety, and with this
intention will :
  1. Do all that is reasonably practical to promote Health and Safety.

  2. The Management Committee recognises that it has a special responsibility for Heath and Safety, and to discharge that responsibility has appointed Kathryn Davison as Health and Safety Officer to advise on all safety matters.

  3. Comply with all ASA Health and Safety Laws, including the code of conduct and child protection policy

  4. Comply with all safety directions contained in the pool hire agreement and to make ourselves familiar, and comply with, all pool operating procedures and Emergency Action Plans applicable to use as the hirer.

  5. Conduct Risk assessments of the activities involved in the running of the club, and put in place preventative measures to minimise the chance of a risk occurring.

  6. Where premises other than swimming pools are used for practice or social events, promote good Health and Safety in their use

  7. Where swimming displays or competitions are organised with the club as the promoter of the event, undertake to hold them in accordance with the directions given in the ASA Health and Safety guidelines.

  8. Recognise its duty of care under common law in respect of the health, safety and welfare of its contractors, affiliated members and volunteers.

  9. Ensure a current and valid insurance policy is in operation.

The club will Monitor and update this policy annually
The PADS Health and Safety policy extends to a number of key activities, summarised below:
  • Identifying and assessing health and safety risks arising from our activities, providing adequate control measures and reviews accordingly to maintain a safe and healthy environment.
  • Ensure that employees, contractors, members and volunteers are aware of the standards required and emergency operating procedures of the pools used in delivering our activities.
  • Support high standards of communication, training and continuing professional development across our employees, volunteers and contractors.
  • To ensure recording and investigating of incidents, accidents and cases of club activity ill health, in order to prevent re-occurrence and become a ‘learning organisation'.